I didn’t write article for a while, but I’m always here.
I decided to introduced yourself about how to update vROPS from version 7 to the new release version 8. This release is available for download since few weeks.
Please note, you can use vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager to update vROPS if you prefer as well as this version is easier than previous version to update. Because you have only have a single file PAK to upgrade your appliance.
- Verify HCL and VMware Product Interoperability Matrices
- Take a snapshot of your manager and your collector servers
- You must have Around 20GB free space on your servers to stage update
When the snapshot is done, you must process the pre-upgrade with the tool “vRealize Operations Upgrade Assessment Tool” before update your vROPS cluster with APUAT file name.
For more information, you can look at this article.
This tool help you to show impacted components after upgrade. You can solved them before upgrade.
After that, you can apply the update to version 8. Login on your vROPS server manager with admin account from https://MyvROPSManager/admin
Go to Software Update > Click on “install a software update” and click on upload button. Select you upgrade file and upload it.
When it’s finished, you can apply the upgrade. Click and Next and accept the License Agreement. The update can take a while.
Please don’t stop manually the process at any time. Sometimes, the update process will reboot your vROPS cluster, and you can lose connexion with the GUI. Don’t worry and wait.
If you use Endpoint Operations Management Agent, it’s necessary to update End point in version 8 as well. Please follow KB2137709 and KB2138748
Select you upgrade file and upload it.
When it’s finished, you can process to upgrade. Click and Next and accept the License Agreement. The update can take a while.
Please don’t stop manually the process at any time. The update will reboot your cluster alone, and sometime you can lose connexion with the GUI.
If you use Endpoint Operations Management Agent, it’s necessary to update End point in version 8 as well. Please follow KB2137709 and KB2138748
This version is easier to update as earlier. A lot of new features are available. You can look at this article on VMware for more informations.

Have Fun !!!